
Who We Are

At Webb Sweeney Murphy Talent, we’re not just managers—we’re the ultimate multitaskers in the entertainment industry! Representing talent from every corner of the globe, we’re here to make sure our clients shine, whether they’re on stage, screen, or trending on TikTok.

Our team? Think of us as part-time magicians, full-time problem solvers. We’re the folks who juggle schedules, negotiate deals, and occasionally wrangle rogue poodles out of photo shoots. We’re passionate about our clients’ success and have the coffee stains to prove it.

Need a manager who can handle it all with a smile? You’ve found your crew. Welcome to Webb Sweeney Murphy Talent—where your talent meets our dedication, with a side of humor!
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This is a all over Audition conducted in australis

Aenean dolor risus, lobortis non cursus nec, molestie nec dui. Nunc fermentum, sapien vitae pharetra vulputate, dolor eros eleifend massa, ac laoreet erat justo a lorem.


What we do

Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien. Proin aliquam et tortor et elementum. Aenean ac fringilla nulla, sed pulvinar arcu. Phasellus lacinia vehicula luctus.



Aenean ac fringilla nulla, sed pulvinar arcu. Phasellus lacinia vehicula luctus.Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien. Proin aliquam et tortor et elementum.
Nam malesuada iaculis lectus sit amet auctor. Vivamus risus massa, gravida in arcu vitae, semper auctor enim. Nam imperdiet ipsum sagittis nisi varius vestibulum. Vestibulum laoreet odio quis nulla vulputate mattis. Proin a sapien quis urna ornare maximus a at sapien. Nam pellentesque magna at augue blandit, in eleifend nulla vehicula. Proin maximus porta varius. Nam vitae neque ut quam egestas pharetra a sed erat.
Duis sit amet nisi ut enim pharetra bibendum ac sed est. Vestibulum tincidunt et mi placerat posuere. Vivamus et risus sit amet quam dignissim vulputate. Maecenas id venenatis felis, at accumsan orci. Maecenas consequat purus ultricies nisi eleifend tincidunt. Sed egestas, sapien a pellentesque euismod, odio nibh dignissim nulla, euismod lacinia arcu turpis gravida tortor. Donec tempor enim ut sollicitudin pulvinar. Nulla sit amet blandit lectus.
Sed non luctus neque, id fringilla diam. Fusce vitae convallis dolor. Mauris ut erat tincidunt, vulputate ipsum in, malesuada libero. Aliquam mattis euismod odio, quis dignissim libero auctor id. Donec dictum lectus a dui mollis cursus. Morbi hendrerit, eros et dapibus volutpat, magna eros feugiat massa, ut dapibus velit ante a nunc. Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien.

Team Mates

We’re a dynamic trio of managers, assistants, and interns, all working together to keep the show on the road—and the coffee cups full. Our managers are the fearless leaders, making deals and keeping everything on track. The assistants? They’re the true multitaskers, handling everything from scheduling chaos to keeping the managers sane. And our interns? They’re the future superstars of organization, bringing fresh ideas and an impressive ability to survive on very little sleep. Together, we’re the dream team you never knew you needed—until now!


We’re a dynamic group of managers, assistants, and interns, all working together to keep the show on the road—and the coffee cups full. Our managers are the fearless leaders, making deals and keeping everything on track. The assistants? They’re the true multitaskers, handling everything from scheduling chaos to keeping the managers sane. And our interns? They’re the future superstars of organization, bringing fresh ideas and an impressive ability to survive on very little sleep. Together, we’re the dream team you never knew you needed—until now!

Darlene M Sweeney

Owner/Manager/Producer/Goat Owner


Louis Giovino




Talent Audition

Expressions 60%
Dressing 80%
Behaviour 90%
Speech 75%

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